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Business Value of Our Digital Forms


There are four primary problems that businesses encounter with their current forms:

  1. Form management: forms get lost or are filled out incorrectly. Today these forms are being filled primarily to support internal business processes and to meet regulatory requirements. This manual process results in a very labor-intensive work process, prone to errors and compliance risk that often lead to fines.
  2. Data is not being entered into the backend system in an accurate or timely manner. It’s difficult to leverage the data collected from the manual form process to make effective business decisions without accurate and timely data.
  3. It’s hard to find a simple solution: Digital solutions quickly turn into a complicated IT development project and/or multiple digital forms solutions being deployed in the enterprise.
  4. Paper forms get neglected! Enterprises often embark on an overall digital transformation, only to quickly leave paper-based forms out of the overall initiative.

In order to provide maximum business value, paper forms need to be part of the overall digital transformation strategy.

Let’s take a look at a real world example…

  • A global chemical manufacturing company plans and executes 20 plant turnarounds per year
  • Turnarounds require 60 – 100 forms be completed per turnaround. The forms are completed and routed manually
  • The form completion process alone requires 20 minutes of time per form

Why does this matter?

The forms are available for a potential audit, but the data within the form is not accessible to support the business.  Furthermore, digital forms would have the ability to collect and process in real time, enforce procedures, and analyze data that is currently stored away rather than being put to use.

Initially, this organization did not consider digitizing the form due to cost, complexity, and risk associated with developing an integrated SAP Asset Manager solution.


How Mirata helps this process

The Mirata platform enables the organization to rapidly iterate a solution, demonstrate the workflow to the user community and solicit feedback and acceptance literally within days.

  • We cut back on man hours
    • Mirata allows for a rapid deployment of the form, including rules-based routing of the form, data validation and collection at the point of activity
    • This eliminates the manual post process form completion requirement that had been taking 20 minutes per form.
  • Data is put to productive use
    • Our digital forms assisted with collection of accurate, real-time data, and reviewing the trends from this data, which enabled the chemical company to identify areas where they were “over-maintaining” equipment.


How your business can benefit

  • The Mirata Digital Forms will create a workflow whereby data is collected and validated at point of activity in real time and automatically routed across the organization.
  • The data is being collected in real time at point of activity and available for immediate business use.
    • Dashboards can be created and viewed as work execution is occurring, to enable management to make adjustments on the fly.
    • Data can be fed into enterprise BI tools, merged with other data and used to track trends and provide analytics to enable the business to execute a continuous improvement program.
  • The Mirata Digital Forms Designer:
    • Our solution allows companies to digitize forms and work processes and execute them at the point of performance – on the factory floor, in the field, and in the office.
    • Forms and workflow can be created without software development enabling a “Citizen Development Community” where only Excel/PowerPoint-type skills are required.
    • Corporate IT maintains control over data access, security and standards.

At Mirata, we are excited to help organizations improve business operations through our Dynamic Forms Solution while cutting implementation costs!

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